Trademark Searches
We provide local and international trademark searches on behalf of our clients.
Trademark Clearance
Trademark clearance services are provided for our clients when they are ready to be used in local or international commerce.
Application Filing
We provide application filling services for all countries and international commerce.
We provide legal and prosecution services to all trademark and intellectual property infringements.
Trademark Maintenance
We provide trademark maintenance services to our clients for both local and international clients.
Trademark Enforcement
We provide local and international trademark enforcement legal services for our clients.
Who We Are
Sapid Consulting Limited is a premier company in London specialising in trademark registrations and litigation worldwide. Established in 2018, our company has emerged as a trusted partner for businesses seeking to protect their intellectual property and brand identity on a global scale. With a commitment to excellence, efficiency, and client satisfaction, we have become a leader in the field of trademark registration services.
Expertise and Specialisation
Our core specialisation lies in comprehensive trademark registration services. Whether you are a small startup or a multinational corporation, we have the expertise to navigate the complexities of trademark laws across different jurisdictions. Our team of seasoned professionals includes trademark attorneys, legal experts, and paralegals with a wealth of experience in intellectual property law.
Global Reach
Global Network of Strategic Partnerships and Alliances
What sets Sapid Consulting apart is our truly global reach. We have established a network of strategic partnerships and alliances with legal experts in key jurisdictions around the world. This allows us to provide seamless and efficient trademark registration services across continents. From North America to Europe, Asia to Africa, and beyond, we ensure that our clients' trademarks are protected with the utmost diligence.
Comprehensive Services
We Offers a Wide Range of Services to Cater to the Diverse Needs of Our Clients.
Sapid Consulting Ltd offers a wide range of services to cater to the diverse needs of our clients. Our offerings include trademark searches and clearance, application filing, prosecution, maintenance, and enforcement. We understand that each client is unique, and our flexible approach allows us to tailor our services to meet specific requirements.