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Our Services

Trademark Searches

Trademark Searches

Trademark Searches

We provide local and international trademark searches on behalf of our clients.

Trademark searches are conducted the purpose of determining whether a trademark is used in commerce locally or globally. Trademark searches can be narrow in scope or can include results from every avenue. For trademark protection for every mark is remotely similar to the mark that is the subject of the search.

Trademark Clearance

Trademark Clearance

Trademark Clearance

Trademark clearance services are provided for our clients when they are ready to be used in local or international commerce.

A trademark clearance search assesses the risk of the likelihood of a proposed trademark being associated with a mark that has already been registered locally or internationally.

Application Filing

Application Filing

Application Filing

We provide application filling services for all countries and international commerce.

Trademark filing and registration is governed by The Trade Marks laws which provides for registration and better protection of trade marks for goods and services and for the prevention of the use of fraudulent marks.

Objection and Prosecution


Objection and Prosecution

We provide legal and prosecution services to all trademark and intellectual property infringements.

Trademark infringement cases involve the unauthorized use of a brand name, business name, or mark protected under intellectual property rights. Trademark litigation cases come up when a party uses a trademark without the permission of the trademark owner.

Trademark Maintenance

Trademark Maintenance

Trademark Maintenance

You are legally required to keep your registration accurate so that it only lists goods and services on which you are currently using your trademark in commerce. If you fail to do this prior to filing a required maintenance document, you will incur additional fees.

We provide trademark maintenance services to our clients for both local and international clients.

Trademark Enforcement

Trademark Enforcement

Trademark Enforcement

We provide local and international trademark enforcement legal services for our clients.

Trademark enforcement typically involves a range of activities, such as monitoring the market for potential infringement, sending cease and desist letters to infringers, initiating legal proceedings, and taking action to prevent the importation of infringing goods.